neděle 29. ledna 2012

answer these questions:
1. Do you or did you play a musical instrument? if yes, which one ?
2. Do you like music at school?
3. Can you sing?
4. Which is your favourite musical instrument?
5. Can anybody in your family play the guitar?
6. Where do you sing? In the bathroom, in my room, when I listen to MP3, never
7. What is your favourite music style?
8. Did you go to the Christmas concert to church ?

neděle 8. ledna 2012

My school

Which class do you attend?
How many boys and how many girls are there?
Who is your class teacher ?
What is your favourite subject?
What subjects do you dislike?
Name the subject you learn?
When do you start school? When do you finish school?
Do you go to the school canteen?
Do you go on school trips? Which was the last?
Describe your  best friend ?

My family

Where do you live? Do you live in a flat or a house?
Who do you live with?
What does your mother do? Your father? brother? sister?
Do you have any aunts, uncles, cousins?
How often do you meet them?
What do you do at weekends?
Where do you go on holiday in summer, in winter
Do you have any pets?